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The Computing and Network Center, formerly the Computer Center, was renamed and moved to the second floor of Administration Building in 2001. The main mission of the Computing and Network Center is to provide the faculty, staffs and students with the following professional services of information technology.

Technical Support and Services

1.Development and maintenance of instructional information system, computer labs, wireless network, information service system, library information network, and campus network infrastructure

2.Establishment and maintenance of websites and users’ accounts and distant learning facilities

3. Development of multimedia teaching materials

4. Maintenance and repair of campus computing hardware

5. Campus network security and verification

6. Organization and management of campus computing software

Training Courses

The Center provides training courses on Information Technology throughout the semester. Frequently used programs such as Front Page Express, Excel, MCSE (Microsoft Certified Professional Examinations), Outlook Express, Personal Web Server, Java Script, Cool 3D, and ASP are taught on-line.

Organization Layer

